Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Using Google Cloud Print - Word & PDF Documents

Google Drive documents can be printed using Google Cloud Print.

1.  Make sure your Word document or pdf is saved in Google Drive.
2.  Open Chrome and go to Drive.
3.  Find the document you need to print and click on it.  A preview of the document will open.
2.  Click the print icon in the lower-right corner of your preview document.

2.  In the Print window click the Change button if the correct print is not selected.

3.  In the Select a destination window, scroll down and click Show All.

4.  Select the printer and click Print.

Using Google Cloud Print - Drive Document

Google Drive documents can be printed using Google Cloud Print.

1.  Click the print icon in the upper-left corner of your Drive document or go to File => Print.

2.  In the Print window click the Change button if the correct print is not selected.

3.  In the Select a destination window, scroll down and click Show All.

4.  Select the printer and click Print.

Using Google Cloud Print in Chrome

Students and teachers can use Google Cloud Print to print from the Chrome browser.

1.  Click in the upper-right corner of Chrome.
2.  Click Print
3.  In the Print window click the Change button if the correct print is not selected.

4.  In the Select a destination window, scroll down and click Show All.

5.  Select the printer and click Print.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Chromebook Troubleshooting

If you experience a problem loading a website with your Chromebook, there are a few steps you can take to troubleshoot.

Disable Extensions
  1. Click  in the upper-right corner of Chrome.
  2. Click Settings
  3. Select Extensions on the left side of the window.
  4. Uncheck or delete non Google Extensions (games).

Clear Browsing Data
  1. Click  in the upper-right corner of Chrome.
  2. Click Settings
  3. Select History on the left side of the window.
  4. Click the Clear browsing data button.
  5. Check the following:
    • Clear browsing history
    • Clear download history
    • Delete cookies and other site and plug-in data
    • Empty cache
  6. Click the Clear browsing data button.
Update Chromebook
  1. Click in the upper-right corner of Chrome.
  2. Click Settings
  3. Select Help on the left side of the window.
  4. Chrome will check to see if the software is up to date.  If it is not, select the upgrade option.

Monday, October 28, 2013

USD 331 Technology PLC - Feedly & Google+

Feedly is a service that compiles news feeds/articles from various online sources and presents them in one place.  You can share articles that interest you with others and the system keeps track of articles you have looked through and highlights new articles that are found.

Google+ is a social network, similar to Facebook.  Google+ is a great way to share ideas and information with other teachers as well as students.


  1. Setup your Feedly account by going to
  2. Create a link to Feedly in your bookmarks toolbar.
  3. Add news feeds to Feedly.
  4. Search for a new blog online and add it to Feedly.
  5. Share an article via Google+ with your co-workers.


  1. Create your Google+ profile.
  2. Create and add co-workers to Circles
  3. Share a Feedly article via Google+ with one of your Circles.
  4. Setting up alerts.

USD 331 Blogs


KS Legislature

Friday, April 19, 2013

Nationally Known Speaker Kevin Honeycutt Coming to USD 331 April 24th

Kevin Honeycutt, a nationally known speaker, will be presenting at Kingman and Norwich about "Cyberbullying, Digital Citizenship, and appropriate use of Social Media."

Wednesday, April 24th School Presentations
  • 8:00am - Kingman High School
  • 9:15am - Kingman Middle School
  • 10:30am - Kingman Elementary
  • 12:30pm - Norwich Elementary
  • 1:30pm - Norwich Middle School
  • 2:30pm - Norwich High School

Wednesday, April 24th Parent Presentations
  • 5:30pm @ Norwich High School
  • 7:30pm @ Kingman High School

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Blogger - Simple/Essential Tool for Communication

All too often the accomplishments and everyday activities that occur in our schools go unnoticed by parents, the community, and staff within our district.  Athletic and extracurricular activities are championed by local newspapers but those papers don't often set foot in the classroom and report on what our teachers and students are accomplishing on a daily basis.

Facebook is a great tool for getting information out to a mass audience but posts can often lack the necessary depth required to effectively share the details of a successful classroom project.

Teachers can share activities and ideas in greater detail by creating a classroom blog in Blogger.  Not only can blogs be created on your laptop but they can be created with apps installed on your smartphone and iPad.  Teachers can snap quick pictures and include them within their blog.  Blogs are more permanent and less likely to get buried in a Facebook timeline.  You can create a classroom blog by going to and following the setup instructions.

Your blog can be shared with other teachers by posting the link in Google+ which can be done automatically when you post your blog.  Facebook can also be used to promote your blog to parents and the community.

As a district, we use Facebook and Google+ to communicate ideas and promote accomplishments but more often than not the posts are linked to blogs which drive and keep a permanent record of those activities.

Blogs are a vital tool of our communication strategy as a district and can easily become an important communication tool in the classroom as well.  If you wish to setup a blog and need help, please contact me.