Friday, December 17, 2010

Keeping Track of Your Students With the Campus Portal

Having trouble getting feedback from your child about how they are doing in school?  Would you like to know if your child has been absent or tardy to class, look at your child's report card at any time, check their lunch account balance, or pay their lunch fees online?  The USD 331 Campus Portal will assist you with all of these issues.

You can access the Campus Portal by going to any district website,, and clicking the Campus Portal link on the left side menu.  If you don't have a login for the Campus Portal, please call your school office and it will be provided to you.

Checking Grades
You can check your student's grades by clicking on your student's schedule.  Once in the schedule you will notice your students classes broken down by quarter.  Each class that has a grade will have a icon of a notepad and pen.  Click on that to view your student's grades.

You can check attendance by clicking the Attendance link.  Absences and tardies are detailed here by each class period of the day.

View Report Card
You can view your student's past report cards at any time.  You can also view the online report card almost a week before it is mailed to you at the end of each quarter.  To view your student's report card, go to Reports and click on the appropriate grade report card.

Lunch Account Balance
You can check all of your students' lunch account balances in one place by clicking on the Food Service link.  Select your student in the "Show Transactions for" drop down menu and click "Go."

Pay Lunch and Other Fees
You can pay lunch fees and other school fees by clicking the Payments link.

Emergency Notification Preferences
School cancellations and other important announcements are sent out directly via phone.  If you want to change the number that we reach you at, you can do so by clicking the "Change Contact Info" link.  Make sure the appropriate numbers are checked for "High Priority" in case of emergency or school cancellations.  General notifications will go to your phone if you have "General" checked.  If you don't see your phone number in the list, please contact your school office to get it changed.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Expanding Learning Opportunities With 1:1 Laptops

The use of computers has become pervasive throughout our lives at home and at work.  That pervasiveness also exists in education as new tools continue to be made available to us for use in the classroom.

The model we utilized for years consisted of computer labs able to accommodate entire classes.  Each school had at least two of these labs to provide computer access to many classrooms.  While this model provided computer access, it was not easily or frequently accessible to our staff and students.  As a result many teachers did not have the opportunity to properly utilize the increasing number of educational Internet applications available.

A strong push was made just prior to the 2009-10 school year to greatly expand student access to computers.  With the introduction of cost effective netbooks, we felt that this was the time to introduce our 1:1 netbook program at our middle schools.  A year later this program was introduced at our high schools and we currently have approximately 560 students in USD 331 with access to 1:1 computing in grades 6-12.

The resources we can now provide to our students via the Internet alone have exponentially increased over the last two years due to the implementation of our 1:1 program.  New online classroom management systems such as Moodle allow teachers to easily deliver content to a large number of students year after year.  Students now have the ability to easily communicate with teachers via email.  These are only a few of the many new tools at our disposal.  We are excited to be offering these opportunities to our students and feel this is an exciting time to be a part of USD 331 Kingman-Norwich.